From Alaska to Argentina

We thought it would be fun to write each other’s personal bio. Enjoy!
Kevin (written by Andi)
If Kevin were writing this, I’m sure he would mention that he is a mechanical engineer, was in the Navy and has a passion for traveling. While all of that is true, I want to introduce you to the Kevin I know.
The man can fix ANYTHING. We built the bus from the rusty floor up, and while I got in there and got my hands dirty and used all the power tools, I was mostly the “lovely assistant.” Electrical, plumbing, construction—that was all him. There’s his engineer’s brain.
He is funny! His sense of humor makes me laugh every day. While I shake my head and say, “Oh brother” most of the time. On the inside I am so appreciative of the joy he brings to my life.
He is kind. Sometimes I am in awe of how patient he is with me (I am not always easy). He is easy going and always ready to lend a hand. He is truly the best travel partner I could imagine. And when I had this crazy idea to start a travel company and teach people how to travel, he didn’t even hesitate but instead supported me and helped me create Kendi World Adventures (link to website here). Or when I took SEVEN years to write my book, he only ever bragged to people about the fact that I was a “writer.”
But lest you think the man a saint—he is also an ADHD/Type A personality. He always is compelled to see what’s over that next hill. Sometimes I join him on his quests to wring every bit of life out of life, and sometimes I wish him well and send him off with a request to “Report back,” while I swing in my hammock with my latest book. He always returns with a smile and a story.
I think that pretty much sums up the man who is so much more than an engineer, a Navy man and a traveler.
Andi (Written by Kevin)
Hi all,
I wanted to introduce to you my girlfriend, my companion, my wife, Andi Crockford.
Not only does she possess the regular stuff like being good looking, an excellent cook, a fantastic mother, and a great support for me, she has a special side that draws me nearer each day.
She is an explorer at heart but has great apprehensions about things she’s not comfortable with. Some may say fraidy-cat, but her overpowering determination to go, do and see new things pushes her past these fears. Which, in my eyes, makes her very brave. Not to mention it makes for some exciting adventures for the both of us, Woohoo.
She is deep with her thoughts and emotions allowing her to experience other people and her surroundings in a way that most cannot. Her journey is not one of speed to get there and then enjoy but to experience and appreciate along the way as well.
She doesn’t seek notoriety though she is a world traveler, esteemed author, artist, and she even started her own travel business. Just these few things show that she is an adventurer and I’m glad she chose me to be her companion.
She is a positive, dig in there kind of gal, always wanting to get dirty with me on the bus build, often screwing with my left-sided brain, but look at the bus now.
She likes a good joke and to tell stories and even though she likes to relax in her hammock, there is never a dull moment with this one.
What's New?
The most recent blogs on where we are and what is up with Tomás.
Roll Out the Beryl, We’ll Have a Barrel of Fun
I love a good storm. I love the adrenaline rush while being completely safe from actual danger, the way some …
Bright Lights, Big City
When Kevin suggested a trip into Mexico City, I had visions of scraping our rearview mirrors on narrow streets. Been …
The Pictures I Didn’t Take
Instagram is a lie! Well, not a lie exactly, but it definitely doesn’t tell the whole story. If you have …